

27.04.2018 18:51
Nový program ZymoBIOMICSTM od Zymo Research nabízí kompletní servis pro mikrobiologické laboratoře. Portfolio ZymoBIOMICSTM zahrnuje vše od sběru vzorků až po vyhodnocení výsledků. My pro Vás máme připravený ZymoBIOMICS DNA Kit pro izolaci mikrobiologické DNA z různých typů vzorků (půda, voda,...

Nové kity pro izolaci plazmidů

27.04.2018 18:50
Máme pro Vás k dispozici nové kity Zymo Research z nejnovější edice Zymo PURE II: D4200S: Free sample: ZymoPURE™ II Plasmid Midiprep D4202S: Free sample: ZymoPURE™ II Plasmid Maxiprep   Vysoké výtěžky – 400-1 200 μg plazmidové DNA přímo ze spin-kolonky Jednoduchá izolace...

Nově panely NEXTflex: mužská a ženská neplodnost, HBOC-1, MODY-5

02.06.2017 07:29
NEXTflex® Female Infertility Amplicon Panel for Illumina® Platforms Download the manual   NEXTflex® HBOC-1 Amplicon Panel for Illumina® Platforms Download the manual   NEXTflex® Male Infertility Amplicon Panel for Illumina® Platforms Download the manual   NEXTflex® MODY-5 Amplicon...

Nové NEXTflex panely pro platformu Illumina

31.03.2017 11:57
NEXTflex® Lysosomal Storage Diseases Amplicon Panel For Illumina Platforms NEXTflex® BRCA 1/2 Plus-1 Amplicon Panel For Illumina Platforms NEXTflex® Nephrotic Syndrome-2 Amplicon Panel For Illumina Platforms

Menší balení kitů ZymoResearch

12.03.2017 18:29
Nejoblíbenější kity (viz níže) společnosti ZymoResearch jsou nyní dostupné i v menším balení (5 a 10 reakcí).  Ceny naleznete v našem aktuálním ceníku. Zymoclean™ Gel DNA Recovery Kit DNA Clean & Concentrator™-5 ZymoBIOMICS™ DNA Miniprep Kit Quick-RNA™ MiniPrep (Plus) Kit Direct-zol™...

LBgard Blood, a new product for collection of liquid biopsy blood samples

31.01.2017 18:01
Biomatrica is announcing the launch of LBgard Blood, a new product for collection of liquid biopsy blood samples.   This product offers the following benefits:   Preserve cfDNA for 14 days at ambient temperature Preserve CTCs and WBCs for 4 days at ambient temperature Reduce...

Bacterial profiling of plant samples

31.01.2017 17:51
The new NEXTflex™ 16S V5-V6 Amplicon-Seq Kit is designed for bacterial profiling of plant samples using degenerate primers that target the fifth and sixth variable regions of the 16S rRNA gene. The benefits of this kit include: Fast and easy library prep protocol for 16S profiling of...

Jsou dostupné nové panely od BIOO Scientific

31.01.2017 17:35
 NEXTflex Cystic Fibrosis Amplicon Panel   100% coverage of CFTR exons and flanking intron-exon boundaries 98% uniformity of amplicons on 0.2x coverage; 100% of amplicons detected at >0.1X mean coverage 384 unique barcodes available Complete solution for targeted sequencing,...

Nové produkty v portfoliu Zymo Research

12.10.2016 21:16
1. ZymoPrep™-96 Yeast Plasmid Miniprep Highlights:   Innovative spin-plate format eliminates the need for glass beads, phenol, vortexing, or isopropanol precipitation. The fastest and simplest high-throughput procedure for purifying the highest quality plasmid DNA from yeast. Ideal for...

DNA/RNA Shield

26.09.2016 10:01
Highlights for the DNA/RNA Shield™ -Blood and Fecal Collection Tubes:   -  Ensures sample stability during  storage/transport at ambient temperatures without the need for refrigeration or specialized equipment. -  Contains DNA/RNA Shield reagent that effectively lyses samples...
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